Events such as the Asia Pacific Games don’t happen by magic but involve a lot of volunteers, money and time and energy. Here is some interesting facts about the March 2011 games.
Businesses owned by GLBT people have donated NZ$347,420 worth of goods and services to the 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames. That’s just one of the amazing facts you uncover when you go behind the scenes.
Number of venues/locations hosting Outgames-related events: 37
Number of volunteers who have assisted with the organisation of the Outgames so far: 229
Number of separate financial budgets held within the Outgames
organisation: 33
The distance that the participant living closest to the Opening Ceremony needs to travel to get there: 350 metres
The distance that the participant living the furtherest from the Opening Ceremony needs to travel to get there: 17,497 km
Home country for the 3rd-largest number of participants by nationality: USA
Distance flown by Outgames volunteers (at their own cost) promoting the event: 71,478km
Number of countries whose residents have gone online to visit the 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames website: 93
The 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames will be held March 12-19, in Wellington, New Zealand. You can register at
Registrations close 26 February.