This week reaches the pinnacle of months worth of planning – the opening of Out Takes 2011: A Reel Queer Film Festival.
What a year it’s been! With natural disasters and nuclear meltdown providing the icing on top of the recession cake, we could sure all do with a break from it all. And what better way to take time out than to savour the best queer film making the world has to offer.
Brave soldier girls, queer terrorists, gay mayoral candidates and rock stars take their place in a line-up of some of the most engaging and well made features, documentaries and shorts we’ve ever screened.
Film buffs and fans of queer film are urged to book tickets early to avoid missing out.
Tickets for opening night in Auckland sold out within days and we’ve arranged for an extra screening however this won’t be possible for other films. Some films that are in hot demand on the international film festival circuit can only screen once at Out Takes 2011: A Reel Queer Film Festival.
The queer film festival kicks off in:
For more information please visit our website or join our Out Takes 2011: A Reel Queer Film Festival Facebook group or join the conversation on Twitter.