NZ Herald asks do you support same-sex marriage?

Labour MP Jacinda Ardern and National MP Nikki Kaye

The NZ Herald asked Labour’s Jacinda Ardern and National’s Nikki Kaye: Do you support same-sex marriage?

Jacinda Ardern commented that:

In 2004, I paid the tiniest of prices to support a really important issue; $20 to be precise. That’s how much one thousand people paid to have their names included in a full page ad in a major New Zealand newspaper supporting the civil union bill. I was just one person in what turned out to be a significant movement for change.

She also noted that John Key voted against the bill.

Nikki Kaye responds with saying if she had been in Parliament in 2004 she would have supported the bill but not comment about if she supported the bill in anyway in 2004.

She commented that a more important issue is the same-sex adoption rights. She commented that:

The adoption law is outdated, archaic, and there are many anomalies.
For instance non-married couples aren’t currently permitted to adopt children, although people in non-marital relationships can adopt as individuals. I feel very sad that many New Zealanders who would make great parents are denied the opportunity to adopt. Everybody loses, including some of our most disadvantaged children.

Read the full story – NZ Herald website

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2 Responses to NZ Herald asks do you support same-sex marriage?

  1. QNA 23 June 2011 at 9:57 pm
  2. QNA 26 June 2011 at 8:08 pm