LegaliseLove Remembrance Day – Huge Success

Legalise Love’s day of memorial last Saturday for victims of homophobia around the world, and especially the nine who lost their lives in the United States in September 2010, was a huge success, with people in Cuba Mall flocking to add their hand outlines to the group’s visual statement against homophobia.

Passers-by were asked to trace a vivid around their hands onto a large white banner, and leave a message of support. This banner will be flown at Legalise Love’s rally at Parliament on October 20th, the event advocating the legal rights of same-sex couples to marry and adopt children.

“The support we encountered on Saturday for legal equality for queer New Zealanders was overwhelming”, said Legalise Love President Joseph Habgood. “In fact, the most common response was confusion and surprise that equality in adoption and marriage laws did not exist in New Zealand already.”

Given the positive response to the memorial, Legalise Love plans to continue to run similar awareness-raising events every Saturday in Cuba Mall in the lead up to the rally on October 20th.

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